E-Commerce Directors should insist upon Automatic Email Marketing Software alongside a Qlik #CustomerIntelligence solution to fuel exponential growth
We are living in a time of commerce disruption and whilst today’s consumers have a varied shopping journey, with multiple channels, devices and influences, retailers are increasingly forced to optimise their digital and e-commerce channels in order to thrive, or even just to survive. Retailers not only need to understand every touchpoint a consumer has in these channels to have a full picture, but they also need to be ready to react swiftly and put the right product in front of a customer, at the right time. Automatic Email Marketing Software can help you do this.
According to a PwC report, 63% of operational leaders say understanding what their customers value is already a challenge. A Qlik #CustomerIntelligence solution which combines multiple data sets to analyse the customer journey means retailers can have a full picture to predict and respond to customer demand. When you add the power of SwiftERM’s Automatic Email Marketing Software to the solution, you can drive rapid and exponential growth.
As consumer habits change quickly, retail organisations have an ongoing need to reimagine their processes, and the best way to monitor and measure these changing habits is to have an analytics strategy which includes predictive insight. The best way to respond to, and take advantage of the analyses is to automate the reaction/outreach. Timing is everything when it comes to maximising sales – it is vital to know when most of your customers will be online – and more specifically what they are more likely to buy. This is where your existing data can really help.
What is SwiftERM’s solution?
SwiftERM is supporting email software, that runs in addition to any and all existing email programs, use it as well as, not instead of. It is totally automatic, developed exclusively for ecommerce retail, especially for those whose customers buy from them perpetually, such as Grocers, Fashion & Apparel, Vintners, Books, Toys, Saddlery, Chandlery, Bikes, Sport and Outdoor and many more.
A predictive analytics algorithm identifies imminent consumer purchases. Each email is unique to the consumer receiving it, using buying history and impressions to calculate which products offer that individual’s greatest buying propensity. With zero human contact it creates their unique email and sends. It captures additional revenues from existing consumers. Each consumer is different and we capture these ever-changing opportunities, sales which are otherwise lost. It maintains accurate perpetual appreciation of each individual. It has zero staff requirement, so delivers enormous returns.
Swift offer an additional revenue stream from existing consumers, to use alongside existing marketing and promotional email software. It works 24/7 and nurtures consumer loyalty. SwiftERM delivers an exponential growth to the ROI for mainstream marketing budgets. It is customer centric, using data captured from the perpetual activity on your platform. It is a 100% automatic system employing cutting-edge technology.
Where can I find out more about SwiftERM?
SwiftERM offer a free trial on their website so you can establish the viability of the solution actually on your website. Results come in very quickly, and you would expect to see profits within just a few days.
How can Qlik for Retail help me?
Supply Chain Inventory and Product Availability – Create end-to-end supply chain visibility into visibility into inventory levels (in-store, depot, in transit) and potential insights into availability through out of stock measures and sales information. According to a recent Forbes study, organisations that digitise and have agility in their supply chain have a clear competitive advantage. In fact, they outperform their peers in revenue increases, operating margins, and risk mitigation. Getting full visibility of stock and analysing demand for products enables retailers to react quickly so that they can maintain excellent product availability and satisfy customer expectations. This requires complete and accurate visibility in order to analyse demand upstream to suppliers and downstream to store operations.
Retailers today should be sharing data in an agile way upstream to their suppliers so they can react to customer demand. This needs to be embedded within process flows and delivered via mobile devices so that the stock, sales and profitability can be analysed at the point of decision. It is critical the operational colleagues in both store and distribution teams can also work with stock, sales, and forecast data to keep products available at all times.
Retail Market Basket Analysis – Increase basket size and protect profits by uncovering hidden relationships across the retail assortment. Target and engage with your customers based upon analysing their shopping habits. Analyse massive amounts of POS transactional data to identify what products sell together and the customer segments buying these combinations. Qlik delivers the insights needed to build a tailored assortment, cross sell and upsell customers, and avoid lost sales through out-of-stocks.
Digital Consumer Analytics – Analyse consumer browsing data and understand how consumers interact on a retail website when considering purchasing goods. In addition, view how abandoned baskets occur in the customer sales journey. Demandware research forecasts that by 2020, mobile devices will account for 45% of total digital sales. And, according to a PwC report, 61% of operational leaders expect that changes in customer behaviours will be a disruptive factor.
Retail Margin Erosion – Drive retail store performance including perishable products because strong availability can lead to heavy losses when products reach their sell-by dates. Qlik breaks down retail data silos and helps you connect the dots between sales, returns, and customer data across all channels – retail store, e-commerce, call centre, app, and catalogue – so you can improve customer intelligence and marketing impact.
Retail Site Selection – Connect customer demographics and key store attributes (i.e. drive time) to determine optimal new store site locations, in both new and existing trade areas. Make decisions based on complete data bringing together multiple data sources for a 360 degree view of the local potential customer demographics as well as purchasing profiles to improve site selection.
Example insights
With Qlik for retail, you can:
- Empower deep and unrestricted exploration and insight discovery using all your data from multiple sources and locations with Qlik’s Associative technology.
- Facilitate self-service with governance so you can be sure everyone is working from accurate data to make the best decisions.
- Provide guided analytics and varied levels of complexity to enable and adapt to users with varied data literacy so everyone can benefit from the insights.
Don’t miss the opportunity to try Qlik for free, and check out the Retail Ebooks below.
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